Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How To Start An Online Business With $100 (& Have Money Left Over)

 Reposted from: https://3hundrd.com/how-to-start-an-online-business-with-100

9 min read

Way back in time, I realized that starting an online business was quite possible one of
the cheapest businesses that you can start.
A few years later, I am still doing online business, have multiple websites and ecommerce
stores making me a nice amount each month and to this day; I still do believe with 150%
certainty that starting a little side-hustle on the side (and maybe even a full-time thing) online
is surely the best step forward you can do for financial independence.

Now I have been writing about this topics for quite some time now, and even though I
explained many times how little money it takes to start an online business, I still get asked
from time to time how much it would take (in capital and time) to start something that you can
profit from online.

Today I want to get into this topic more specifically (and technically) and show you how to
start an online business with $100 a still have money left over from it.
Yes, a profitable business that makes money can be started with less than $100 today and in
this post, I will show you all you need to do, have and get and also give you the exact pricing
of what you will need to get started.

Do you have $100 to spare and around 10 minutes to read this article? If so; this post
is going to help you.
If on the other hand, you have dreams of running a business online but do not have, or want
to spend $100 then this post might not be for you.
If you keep reading after this line, then I assume you do in fact have big dreams, you do have
the time to invest in this new endeavor and you are willing to spend $100 with the hopes
(I do provide proof) of making thousands from your online business.
Let’s get going…

Right, let me first tell you exactly what you are going to be needing to be able to successfully
launch a thriving online business with just a few dollars:
  • A website
  • Training
  • Other tools (maybe?) and
  • time.
Now before I go on, I want to talk about the last element needed here and that is; time.
Yes, time is money and your time is extremely valuable. I get it. I know that unlike me, you
may have children, families to care for, full-time careers and even maybe a part-time job so I
know time is not easily accessible to anyone.
But, time is the make-or-break in this thing. I can show you how to start an online business
with $100, but you are going to have to put in the time to make your dream, and the process I
will be sharing with you today, come to fruition.
Now I do not know how much of a price you put on your time; I do not calculate that for
myself and maybe you shouldn’t either.

What if you spend the next year working at this, what if you spend the next 5 years
working at this?
It may sound like a lot, and it is, but just understand that even if you have to work for the next
5 years juggling all your responsibilities and building an online business, at some point you
are going to make it (that is my grantee to you) and for the rest of your life, you will be;
  • Boss free
  • Own back your time and
  • Work on a project that truly motivates you.
So, yes; understand that online businesses take time to build (I guess that is the price you
pay for having such low start up costs) but it is possible, and for just under an extravagant
one night out on the town.
Back to it…

A Website: How Much Money Do You Need To

Build A Website.

The price for your website, is going to be a staggering *hold onto your seats*, $13.99 a year!
Yep, “owning” part of the internet just costs a bit more than a pizza.
But why do you need a website to start an online business?
Because you need to be producing content, which in return will get you traffic, and you need
somewhere where to “host” and display the magnificent content you are producing.
I have gone over the many reasons you need a website here so I would not go into this again
today, however having a website is an absolute must.
You just can’t build a real and sustainable business on a free website or else on a social
media platform.
Yes, you can use a free website to get started, but once you want to scale it up and turn it into
a real business, then you are going to need your website and for just under $14 per year,
it’s well worth the investment.
So how much are we now? How much money do we still have left from our initial and
oversized budget of $100?
$100-$14= $86 left to use.

Training To Get You Going

Yes, you are going to need some form of training especially if you’re just getting started with
affiliate marketing an online business in general.
There is a lot to take in and a lot to do and understand properly to be successful. If this was
easy, the cliche stands; everybody would do it.
Luckily it is not and I say luckily because there’s already enough competition to deal with but
a lot of people drop out due to being impatient and also a lack of knowledge which will quickly
result in the unfortunate outcome that is failure.

What kind of training do you need?
Simple elementary stuff for now and luckily, there’s a lot of this online (although not all would
be the right kind of information).
I myself have been “training” or rather learning about affiliate marketing for the past 6 years
and I still try to learn as much as I possibly can today.
The training I use, and it’s also where I learned all I needed to know is an online community
called The Wealthy Affiliate University.
Wealthy Affiliate, or rather WA; is free to get started with but; it’s free only for the first phase
of the training (a 10-day training course).

After the first elementary (free) training, you are going to have a proper understanding
  • What an online business is
  • How to start one
  • How to get visitors and
  • How to make money.
All this is important but higher levels of training are required for you to be Able to turn this
new side-hustle into a full-time gig (if that is what you are looking for).

The cost?
Again, it’s free to get started so while I suggest you take join for free, going to premium will be
much more beneficial to you in the long run especially considering you can get free hosting
for your websites.

Free hosting.
Earlier I told you that you need to start your website, and it only costs $15 to get started.
While that is true, a website also needs something called “hosting” for it to be able to be found
online and while this will cost you around $10 per month minimum (not so reliable hosting),
at Wealthy Affiliate you get hosting for free if you are a premium member.
Not just one site either, as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate, you can host ups to 25
websites on their servers for free.
This is how it’s possible to start an online business with $100 and have money left over.
How much does Wealthy Affiliate cost?
  • $19 for the first month and
  • $47 per month beyond that.
I figure you need at least 3 months to fully understand the grasp of it all and within those
months, if you follow the premium Wealthy Affiliate training, then I am sure you will be making

So, let’s sum up the costs for training:
  • Free membership- $0 (you can stay as long as you want).
  • Premium membership 1st month – $19 (this is an introductory offer 0
  • Premium membership (normal price) for 1 months- $47
Total amount needed for 2 months of premium training; $64. Total so far: $78 ($22 left to
experiment with).

What to do with the remaining $22?
After you set up your website and get all the training you need to get started, you are going
to be left with $22 left to go. Where should you use this?
You can easily save them as you do not need anything else, you can keep them for an
additional month at Wealthy Affiliate (and adding more to it) or you can invest in some tools.
Tool are not a necessity and you are very much capable of earning money without any of the
tools listed below, but; with $21, there is a lot that you can do to make your accelerate your
learning and progress:

Get Buffer (free + $10 a month for premium).
Buffer is a social media management software that will help you plan out your social content
which is a fantastic tool to save you time and energy planning it all out.
I talk about more about what Buffer does in my review, but as for pricing goes, Buffer is free
(you can schedule up to 10 updates) or if you want more, you can get Premium Buffer for
just 410 per month.
Again; not necessary, but helps if you can spare those $22 left.

Get A Keyword Tool
Another thing that I;d like to suggest more than getting Buffer is a keyword tool by the name
of Jaaxy.

Now, if you plan on joining Wealthy Affiliate, then they have their own keyword tool there
which you can use for free, but for better understating and better data of keywords you are
interested in, then I would suggest getting Jaaxy.
Jaaxy, which you can get 30 free searches here, costs $19 per month and that would just put
you at $97 to start your business.
Again, this is not needed but it is highly, highly recommended for you to at least try and
For more about keywords and Jaaxy, see my previous post; How To Find Keywords Using

In Closing

So, there is it; how to start an online business with $100 (or less). Let’s just recap what we
said so far and how everything will eventually cost if you decided to take on this challenge:
$78 so far and if you want to be big spender, you can put those $22 you have left and invest
in a social media marketing tool or a keyword tool.

I really hope you enjoyed this post and I do hope you take the plunge to start chaining your
life and making some much needed side-income.

If you have any questions about the above mentioned guidelines, be sure to drop me a
message down below and let me know if I can assist you in any way.

Thanks for reading.

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